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EU copyright directive moves into critical final stage

Copyright post

In September 2018 the European Parliament voted to approve drastic changes to copyright law that would negatively affect creativity, freedom of expression, research, and sharing across the EU. Over the last few months the Parliament, Commission, and Council (representing the Member State governments) were engaged in secret talks to come up with a reconciled version…

CC Summit registration is now open!

Events post

Great news! We’re excited to announce that registration for the 2019 Creative Commons Global Summit is now open. The Creative Commons Global Summit will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, 9-11 May 2019. Join us for three days of dynamic programming at Museu do Oriente, with a special keynote evening event held at the historic Cineteatro Capitolio. We’ve grown…

CC Working with Flickr to Protect the Commons

About CC post

Today, Creative Commons is working closely with Flickr and its parent company SmugMug to find ways to protect and preserve the Commons, and ultimately help it grow and thrive. We want to ensure that when users share their works that they are available online in perpetuity

Privacy Policy (pre 2018-09-13)


1. Preamble This Privacy Policy explains the collection, use, processing, transferring and disclosure of personal information by Creative Commons Corporation (“CC” or “Creative Commons”), a Massachusetts charitable organization. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and made part of Creative Commons Master Terms of Use (“Master Terms”) located at Unless otherwise noted on a particular…

With the European Parliament vote on the copyright directive, the internet lost – for now

Copyright post

Today the European Parliament voted 438-226 (with 39 abstentions) to approve drastic changes to copyright law that, if ultimately enacted, would negatively affect creativity, freedom of expression, research, and sharing across the EU. The Parliament voted in favor of almost all provisions that extend more rights to the establishment copyright industries while failing to protect…

We’ve Redesigned the CC License “Legal Code” Pages

Licenses & Tools post
The new design

Last week, we launched a redesign of Creative Commons’ various license (aka “legal code”) pages. See one for yourself. In this post, I’ll spell out what the changes are and why we made them. The most obvious change we made is updating the overall look of the pages so that they resemble the rest of…

Terms pre 2018-05-25


Creative Commons Master Terms of Use Effective as of 7 November 2017 (previously updated 22 December 2014 and 7 February 2017) 1. General Information Regarding These Terms of Use Master terms: Welcome, and thank you for your interest in Creative Commons (“Creative Commons,” “CC,” “we,” “our,” or “us”). Unless otherwise noted on a particular site…