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Privacy Policy (pre 2018-05-25)


Master Privacy Policy and Express Consent 1. Preamble This Master Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) explains the collection, use, processing, transferring and disclosure of “personal information” by Creative Commons Corporation (“CC” or “Creative Commons”), a Massachusetts charitable organization, and also contains an Express Consent that applies to those who use our Websites and Services (as defined…

56 organisations tell EU legislator to delete the absurd link tax

Copyright post

Creative Commons and 55 organisations sent a letter to the head of the European Parliament’s legal affairs committee, MEP Axel Voss, urging him to remove the harmful and counterproductive press publishers right from the EU copyright reform docket. Last month, we wrote about the proposal floated by Voss that would take the already-harmful press publishers…

We’re entering a new era for the Commons

About CC post
free-bassel-activist The #FreeBassel campaign drew supporters from around the world (Kennisland/Flickr/CC license 2.0)

At this year’s Global Summit we’ll announce the recipient of the Bassel Khartabil Free Culture Fellowship. It’s a partnership between Creative Commons, Wikipedia, Mozilla and the Fabricatorz Foundation, which I’m a co-founder of. Noura, Bassel’s wife, and Jamil Khartabil, his father, will also be at the Summit to present the award.

Tell the Canadian government to ignore Bell’s terrible idea to block websites

Copyright post

Earlier this month Bell and a group of Canadian telecommunications and media companies submitted a proposal that asks the Canadian government to identify websites engaged in content piracy and compel internet service providers to block access to those sites. Specifically, the proposal asks the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to set up an “Internet…