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Almanaque Azul: a Panamanian travel guide licensed under CC

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Licensed under CC BY-NC by Alamanque Azul

Almanaque Azul is a group of Panamanian environmentalists, artists, and explorers that began the process of creating a travel guide for the beaches of the Republic of Panama in 2005 through a blog that chronicled the amazing cultural and natural diversity of various small towns and deserted beaches. Over the years, dozens of volunteers reported…

Get a CC License. Put it on your website.


  First steps Before licensing your work with CC, here is some background that will be helpful for you to know: What is Creative Commons? (or try the excellent Get CC Savvy course here at School of Open) You don’t need to register your work – just pick a license! Make sure your work is…

The Right License for the Job


Learn to recognize factors that may affect the choice of license. Overview Choosing the right CC license for a work can be a deliberative and thought-provoking process, but it doesn’t have to be. We describe license-choosing in more detail below, but if you want to pick one quickly, Creative Commons has a simple tool for…

Breaking down the CC Licenses


Distinguish between the different parts of a CC license and what they mean. Overview Creative Commons licenses are made up of four conditions that can be mixed and matched to create six different license combinations. The licenses also come in three formats: human-readable, lawyer-readable, and machine-readable. The following video from CC New Zealand is a…