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Alex Miroshnichenko and the Santiago Fires

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In looking at CC success stories, we tend to focus on how CC licences have allowed new business models to grow or have helped facilitate new forms of artistic expression. While these are both incredibly important and, in their increasing abundance, popular implementations of what CC can provide, what sometimes gets lost in the shuffle…

CC China Photo Contest

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JUMP系列 Photographer:老0 Yesterday, I attended the Creative Commons China Photo Content ceremony at the National Library in Beijing. There were 10,000 submissions of professional and amateur works licensed under various CC licenses. There were three categories: Society, Nature and Portraits. Winners were chosen by a panel of judges including famous photographers, professors and other notable…


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Artabase is a beta social networking site for the arts community that “aims to become the world’s best online database of art history” by turning contemporary event listings into a growing database of artistic happenings. Artabase’s concept is based around a collective definition of history, and as such, they recently adopted CC-licences in their uploading…

Thanks and congratulations to Wikimedia Commons

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Last week Wikimedia Commons reached two million media files (images, audio, video), many of which are available under liberal CC licenses. Wikimedia Commons is “a central repository for freely licensed photographs, diagrams, animations, music, spoken text, video clips, and media of all sorts that are useful for any Wikimedia project.” While Wikimedia Commons is surely…

Commoner Letter #1 – Evan Prodromou

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Hello, everyone! My name is Evan Prodromou. I’m excited and honoured to be able to talk to all of you through this email newsletter. When Creative Commons asked me to write for their fundraising drive, I simply couldn’t refuse. In 2003, with my wife Maj, I started a project called Wikitravel – an effort to…

Spread the word: Support Creative Commons 2007

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Last week we launched the Creative Commons annual fall fundraising campaign. Goal: US$500,000. We also launched a redesigned site (more on that below) and now have matching campaign buttons: Get one for your site or blog! As you might guess from the buttons above, a map theme runs throughout the campaign, including on the…


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We’re going crazy over here at CC. Not only did we just go live with our website redesign, launch our 3rd Annual Fundraising Campaign, and get a new general counsel/vice president, we are also happy to announce the return of the “Featured Commoner” series to our blog! “Featured Commoners” are people, groups, or tools that…

Illuminated Corridor turns Prelinger Library inside Out on October 3

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Next Wednesday, Oct. 3rd, Illuminated Corridor is assembling a collision of public art, live music and moving images inspired by the Prelinger Library and Archives‘ collections (which we have discussed extensively before). Everything will take place in the street and parking lot outside the Library, and on the walls of the building, at 8th and…

Australian Creative Resources Online

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After some web downtime, Australian Creative Resources Online (ACRO), a repository for open and CC-licensed creative content, is back in operation. Technically a not-for-profit research center, ACRO is simultaneously a research facility, a digital repository, a source of creative materials, and a place for people to display their digital works. From ACRO: This site is…


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Creative Commons is working with The University of Tokyo, Law Faculty to create Japan jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Japan List Chairman: Professor Nobuhiro Nakayama (University of Tokyo, Law Faculty) Legal Project Lead: Yuko Noguchi Public Project Lead: Dominick Chen License draft. Post a message. Subscribe to the discussion. Read the…