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Search revenue share 80/20 with videomakers

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Speaking of advertising revenue sharing, user created (and CC licensed) video hosting site (first blogged here last July) has expanded their revenue sharing program. A “shareholder” account (which qualifies for revenue sharing) is now free and the spit is 80 percent for users and 20 percent for Lulu.

Build, buy, or assemble?

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Optaros has published a guide to “enterprise ready” open source software under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Linux Weekly News reports: Opteros has announced the release of an “Open Source Catalog,” designed to help companies decide which projects are “enterprise ready.” Actually downloading the report requires registration, but it’s under a Creative Commons license, so…

Swivel Adopts CC Licensing

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Swivel is a site that is all about data. You can upload your data and have it made into graphs, you can find datasets, comment on them or rate them, or you can compare different datasets that have been uploaded to the site. As the site itself explains, it’s “a place where curious people explore…

New video: Wired's CC concert f/ Girl Talk, Diplo, Peeping Tom and more!

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This past September, Wired hosted a sold-out concert in New York with all proceeds donated to Creative Commons. The show celebrated creative reuse and featured mash-up/remix artist Girl Talk, DJ/producer Diplo, and experimental pop supergroup Peeping Tom. The incredibly talented people at Missing Pieces created a mini-documentary about the event, which also includes portions of…


Open Culture post

GiftTrap is a fun new board game based on predicting what gifts other players might like. It uses more than 600 cards that feature user-submitted photos of gifts – many of these images are Creative Commons-licensed and shot by Flickr photographers. The company behind GiftTrap has recently announced the GiftTRAP Experience, a contest where people…

Feature FLOSS

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Creative Commons has always recommended and used free and open source licenses for software. We have long provided a deed and metadata wrapper for the GPL. Occasionally we’ve highlighted free software that complements CC licensed media, free software that we create, and pragmatic and philosophical correspondences between free software and free culture. Alex, Jon, and…

CC as a Global Movement

Copyright post

In my last letter, I described some of the ways CC technologies get integrated into Web 2.0 applications. Many of you wrote that you were surprised by the examples, and were especially excited that the applications reached so broadly internationally. That response has led me to tell a bit more about CC as a global…

Polling Place Photo Project

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It is election day in the United States jurisdiction. The Polling Place Photo Project aims to use mass citizen journalism to document democracy: The Polling Place Photo Project is a nationwide experiment in citizen journalism that seeks to empower citizens to capture, post and share photographs of democracy in action. By documenting their local voting…

CC & Web 2.0

Copyright post

From last week’s email… The key is to build alternatives that creators on the Internet can use to both create as they wish and keep control of their creativity. That’s the challenge I see over the next four years. And as we review over the next few weeks some of the best of CC from…

This is our 'Mona Lisa'

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An article in Fortune magazine about expensive museum acquisitions includes this bit about the impact of a work’s copyright status on demand for viewing the original (emphasis added): An example of the long-term benefit of an iconic artwork such as “Adele” can be found at the Art Institute of Chicago, home to three of the…