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Hong Kong Promotes Education, Creativity with Creative Commons’ 50th Launch Event


On October 25, the launch of the localized licenses in Hong Kong will mark the fiftieth Creative Commons jurisdiction to celebrate the license porting.

Creative Commons International (CCi) works to build CC’s free, multilingual licensing system in collaboration with legal experts and professionals around the worldwide. CCi has coordinated fifty jurisdictions to successfully adapt, or “port“, the core CC licenses. The international license porting project is an important aspect of Creative Commons, as the localized licenses provide extra legal certainty and ensure that the licenses are both legally and linguistically understood around the world.

The Hong Kong launch will be held during an event co-sponsored by the University of Hong Kong’s Journalism and Media Studies Centre and the Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity. Prof. Lawrence Lessig and CC CEO Joichi Ito will hold keynotes, followed presentations about open courseware and strategies for Hong Kong to improve education through CC licensing. More details about the event and the CC Hong Kong project can be found on their website:

Press release (English and Chinese).

Congratulations and thank you to CC Hong Kong and Project Leads Rebecca MacKinnon, Dr. Yahong Li, Ms. Alice Lee, and to Mr. Pindar Wong and the many Hong Kong volunteers for their support!

Image selected from “CCHK Launch Programme (.pdf)” by Creative Commons Hong Kong, available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

UPDATE: Catch the live webcast of the events on, courtesy of Cyberport.

Posted 23 October 2008