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Campaign Exclusive: Custom USB Drives & Unreleased Jonathan Coulton Album


Mega Green FlashdriveThe ever innovative Brooklyn-based singer songwriter Jonathan Coulton has teamed up with Creative Commons to release his greatest hits compilation “JoCo Looks Back” on a 1gb custom Creative Commons jump drive to help support our 2008 campaign. If that weren’t enough, JoCo and CC have also included all of the unmixed audio tracks for every song on the drive. That’s over 700mb of JoCo thing-a-week goodness. Since all of JoCo’s music is released under our Attribution-NonCommercial license, this is an incredible opportunity for the public to remix and reuse his fantastic music. Song files are in 320kbps MP3 and unmixed audio tracks are in 256 VBR MP3.

We’ll be offering the drives exclusively at our $50 dollar donation level (and above) until December 31st. Also included are a account, an OpenID identity, and a 2008 campaign sticker.

Jonathan also wrote a wonderful commoner letter speaking on how he, as a musician, uses Creative Commons to support himself and his career. Read it here.

These are the tracks featured on the compilation:

  1. Code Monkey
  2. Ikea
  3. I Feel Fantastic
  4. Mandelbrot Set
  5. Tom Cruise Crazy
  6. Shop Vac
  7. Chiron Beta Prime
  8. I’m Your Moon
  9. My Monkey
  10. Skullcrusher Mountain
  11. I Crush Everything
  12. When You Go
  13. A Talk With George
  14. You Ruined Everything
  15. Creepy Doll
  16. Mr. Fancy Pants
  17. Baby Got Back
  18. First of May
  19. Re Your Brains (spelled “Re: Your Brains” on album cover)
  20. The Future Soon
Posted 17 November 2008