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Welcome Nathan Yergler


Early last October we launched a revamp of the Creative Commons website, including the addition of a new technology challenges section. A few days later someone called Nathan Yergler wrote with questions concerning two of the challenges. A week later Nathan announced that ccValidator was ready for testing.

Since then Nathan has been our most prolific volunteer, adding Python and JavaScript language APIs for CC metadata, mozCC, and ccSaver to his portfolio. None of these have been throwaway projects. Nathan keeps making them better.

The last couple months Nathan has been working on ccTag for Creative Commons. Now we’re very pleased to announce that he has joined the Creative Commons staff as a software engineer. He’ll continue to create more and better CC tools, as well as help us with internal and external web projects.

How can you welcome Nathan? Try mozCC. If you can find a bug, send him a report.

Posted 01 July 2004