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CC 2007 annual fundraising campaign: your feedback wanted


Thanks again to everyone who participated in Creative Commons’ 2007 Annual Fundraising Campaign. We received financial support from individuals in 52 jurisdictions and many companies, totaling $601,976.

Your support, however you’re able to give it, is what sustains and drives CC. This was our third annual campaign (and the second I’ve been involved with) and I’d like to ask you for a favor. I would truly appreciate it if you would take a quick survey that will help us better design and implement our call for support for in 2008 and beyond. Your input and participation are greatly appreciated.

Also, check out our new T-shirt designs available at the CC Store – which remains open 24/7/366 (it’s a leap year!). Anything you do now to spread the word will assist future campaigns and more importantly the future of CC. Thanks!

Posted 03 March 2008