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CC Salon LA (6/26/08): Curt Smith and Monk Turner Discuss CC/Music


CC Salon LA is back NEXT WEEK (6/26/08) with an awesome lineup to get your summer CC brain cells churning at warp speed!

Joining us will be Curt Smith, solo-artist and co-founder of Tears for Fears, who will be discussing the decision to release his most recent album Halfway, Pleased under a CC license. Also presenting will be Monk Turner, an LA-based multi-instrumentalist (and former Featured Commoner) who has been using a combination of CC licences and to release numerous concept albums that are unique not only in distribution but music style and aesthetic. Both will talk about musicians in general, their personal decision to use CC licences, and how using CC licences can have promotional, ethical, and artistic impact beyond traditional copyright.

The Salon will be taking place at the wonderful FOUND LA Gallery (Google map) from 7:30PM – 9:30PM. Follow the event on Upcoming, mark attending on Facebook, but most importantly don’t miss out on what is bound to be a great conversation on how CC licensees work on a practical level for musicians in particular but content creators in general.

Posted 19 June 2008