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An Opsound Exchange


You’ve got to hear this. This week’s featured content is exactly the sort of innovative co-authorship that Creative Commons, and good folks like Opsound, make possible.

Colin Mutchler explains:

About a month after submitting a few acoustic guitar tracks to
Opsound‘s sound pool [and thus releasing the song under an Attribution-ShareAlike license], I got an email from a violinist named Cora Beth, who had added a violin track to one of the guitar tracks, “My Life.” She called it “My Life Changed,” and I think the track is definitely more beautiful now. Maybe eventually we’ll add drums and words.

This is collaboration across space and time, as our Flash movie puts it — with no rights-clearing needed. Great stuff. We’d love to hear more of this sort of thing, so tell us if you have a similar story.

Posted 03 July 2003