The Creative Remix, with host Benjamen Walker, is an hour-long “lawyer free” examination of the art, culture, and history of the remix. The hour kicks off with a musical analysis of DJ Dangermouse’s infamous remix of the Beatles and Jay-Z. Then we go back in time to check out the ancient Roman art of the poetry mash-up, or the Cento. Then we rewind to the 18th century to check out the birth of copyright and how it affected writers like Alexander Pope; and the early 20th century when the visual artist Marcel Duchamp used the remix to reinvent everything. We also take a field trip to the Mass Mocca museum of modern art to check out the exhibit “Yankee Remix.” Walker brings along a few grad students and a pair of curmudgeonly New England antique collectors to investigate different attitudes towards remixing.
In the second part of the program Walker speaks with three unique remix artists: The historical novelist Matthew Pearl, Gideon D’arcangelo (“The Walkman Buster”), and Cory Arcangel, a Nintendo hacker — and one of the youngest representatives at this year’s Whitney Biennial.
Benjamen Walker did the original music and sound design for our two animations. His weekly radio program “The Theory of Everything” can be heard on WZBC in Boston and, beginning Oct 31st, in San Francisco and on the Internet.
Listen to the show — it will enlighten even the confirmed appropriationist afficionado. If you like it, contact your local public radio station and tell them about this opportunity to provide their audience with a “lawyer free” look at the art form of the remix.
Posted 11 October 2004