Please join us for the second CC Salon, taking place in San Francisco on Wednesday, April 12 from 6-9 PM at Shine (1337 Mission Street between 8th and 9th Streets). CC Salon is a casual get-together focused on conversation and community-building with 2-3 brief presentations from individuals and groups developing projects with relationship to Creative Commons. Please invite your friends, colleagues, and anyone you know who might be interested in drinks and discussion. We look forward to seeing you there!
Following the first successful salon, this event focuses on “Net-based Music.” James Polanco is presenting about “Podcasting and the Fake Science Digital Music Store” and
Lucas Gonze is talking about “How the Net is Changing Music.” Lucas Gonze is the creator of Webjay and is a frequent Creative Commons supporter. Also, we have a special surprise guest composer Bob Ostertag.
We’ve set up where you can find the latest information about CC Salon. It is also place where the community may contribute ideas, make suggestions, and submit proposals for future events.
You can track this event on along with every future monthly 2nd Wednesday CC Salon.
Posted 10 April 2006