Creative Commons is developing LiveContent, a project to connect and expand Creative Commons and open source communities. The first output of LiveContent will be ccLiveCD for libraries, which will package free and open source software (FOSS) with CC-licensed content. ccLiveCD aims to demonstrate an example of an easy-to-use, viable alternative to proprietary software and further explore possibilities of the FOSS and Creative Commons movements within libraries.
ccLiveCD will come loaded with lots of great content, including a live-boot Linux OS, a combination of free and open source productivity and creativity applications (such as OpenOffice, Inkscape, Gimp and VLC), open document templates, and a variety of Creative Commons-licensed multimedia and educational content. is providing the support for the development of this project and the distribution of the CD. Watch for ccLiveCD updates, and help further the LiveContent vision by contributing ideas, connections to other projects, and best-of-CC content on the wiki.
Posted 20 June 2007