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ccLearn monthly update – Apr 15

Open Education

It’s tax day here in the USA, but let’s look to more interesting things. I will endeavor to send out an update, perhaps in newsletter form, of key ccLearn activities and plans every month or so, in addition to any announcements or interviews that we post to the site. As we continue to develop our internal capacities to manage communications and projects, I expect that these things will become more streamlined.

We are still hard at work considering the challenges of finding and creating open educational resources, and also with networking and research around existing OER projects. Look to this space for future announcements as we test and then roll out these (hopefully useful) tools.

We are also engaged in planning for a regional meeting among open education projects and CC jurisdictions in Latin America. This is just the first of several planned meeting in different regions of the world to enable greater collaboration and coherence among OER projects globally. We will announce further details about this and hoped-for future meetings as details become available.

We are helping too in planning the education track at this year’s iSummit. The iSummit promises to be an interesting opportunity to engage with open education projects in East Asia and beyond and to consider collective actions that can help to broaden and deepen the impact of the open education movement.

If you haven’t checked out the rest of the ccLearn website lately, you might pay a visit to the Resources page, where we are continuing to compile resources of interest to educators and everyone involved in open education. Also, we have gathered in one place some of the top sites for searching educational content on the web. This site is intended to help people find educational resources, but also demonstrates the challenge we face in making such searches easier.

ccLearn will be present at the upcoming OCWC meeting in Dalian, China. We’ll report on that meeting afterwards.


Posted 15 April 2008
