Whether you have particular training needs for your institution or consortia, need customized support, or simply want to learn about CC licensing, Creative Commons is here to serve you.
We offer a variety of trainings, including regular CC Certificate courses, office hours with our legal team, as well as customized consulting and facilitation.
Learn more about our training and consulting offerings.
To request training or consulting: please send info[at]creativecommons.org an email with “Training request” or “Consulting request” in the subject line. Please also share your name, affiliation, and a brief summary of your request.
Creative Commons believes that if we are to collectively solve our shared global challenges, the knowledge and culture about these challenges must be open. We help institutions develop and implement open policies, work toward greater open practices, build capacity in open licensing, and connect with the open advocates to promote open governance, open science, open education, open access, and open culture.
CC has provided consulting, facilitation, training and support to education institutions, corporations, governments, museums, foundations, libraries, NGOs and INGOs. We welcome collaboration with any institutions seeking to expand access to knowledge and culture.

Requesting training or consulting support is easy!
Email info[at]creativecommons.org with “Training request” or “Consulting request” in the subject line today. Please also share your name, affiliation, and a brief summary of your request. We look forward to working with you.