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Open Culture Resources

Black and white photo of a dandelion Foto: Sammlung Risch-Lau, Vorarlberger Landesbibliothek

The Open Culture program is dedicated to making our resources available to our diverse global audience. Many of our resources are available in multiple languages and we are grateful to our community of volunteers for expanding CC’s linguistic reach. Note that the original English version is the authoritative version on which all unofficial translations are…

Stephen Wyber — Open Culture VOICES, Season 2 Episode 20

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Screenshot from Stephen Wyber from Open Culture Voices by Creative Commons, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License Stephen Wyber from Open Culture Voices by Creative Commons, CC BY 4.0

Did you know that access to cultural heritage is part of the UN Declaration of Human Rights? Stephen discusses this little known article among other important aspects of access, participation, and engagement of cultural heritage and the responsibilities of institutions in this regard. He also explains how Open Culture is a way to establish the…

Mauricio Genta — Open Culture VOICES, Season 2 Episode 19

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Screenshot from Mauricio Genta from Open Culture Voices by Creative Commons, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License Mauricio Genta from Open Culture Voices by Creative Commons, CC BY 4.0

Mauricio says that “open access makes it easier for people to use what is a common good for all.” In this episode we dive into the work of a historian and librarian in Argentina. Mauricio discusses the value of cultural heritage preservation over generations and what role present day  institutions play for the future. Open…

Ellen Euler — Open Culture VOICES, Season 2 Episode 18

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Screenshot from Ellen Euler from Open Culture Voices by Creative Commons, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License Ellen Euler from Open Culture Voices by Creative Commons, CC BY 4.0

Ellen shares that “by making cultural heritage openly available it can foster innovation and creativity.” This is a key aspect of why Ellen advocates for opening up cultural heritage and what drives her passion for open access in the cultural heritage sector. Open Culture VOICES is a series of short videos that highlight the benefits…