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Posts by cameron

ACLU Embraces CC Licensing


The ACLU has begun its first foray into CC licensing, releasing all the content from their new website,, under a CC BY-NC-ND license. By releasing this information under a CC license (and with plans to utilize CC licenses more in the future), the ACLU is actively committing itself to the notion of “conversation,” allowing…

"Steal This Film" at Other Cinema, SF


Those is the SF-Bay area take note – this Saturday, March 1, Other Cinema will be screening Steal This Film II (discussed earlier here) with an introductory talk by Rick Prelinger. If that wasn’t enough, the night looks to be filled with a variety of copyright-related goodness (see description below). From Other Cinema: OC inaugurates…

RetarDEAD Theme Song CC-Licensed


Go here now to listen to the wonderfully absurd theme song to RetarDEAD, a soon-to-be released low budget indie monster film (mp3 located near page bottom). The theme song is released under a CC BY-NC license, allowing for remixing pleasure. Via BoingBoing: Evil has come to the Butte County Institute of Special Education, and its…

Copyright Panel in NYC: "Is Intellectual Property Dead?"


This Tuesday, Feb 26th, the New York City Bar Association will be hosting a panel discussion titled, “Is Intellectual Property Dead? The Revolt of Students for New Directions”. The speaker list is phenomenal (including CC alumni Fred Benenson) and the panel promises to illuminate the issues a new generation of content creators/consumers face in relation…

Loops: Solo Dance, CC-Licensed


Loops is an amazing new project, created collaboratively between the Merce Cunningham Dance Company and The OpenEnded Group, to release Merce Cunningham’s choreography for his solo dance Loops under a CC BY-NC-SA license. By releasing Loops under a CC-license, anyone is able to perform, reproduce, and adapt it for non-commercial purposes. Simultaneously, the digital artists…