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Posts by melissa

Commoner Letter #3: Jonathan Coulton


Jonathan Coulton; photo by Del Far under CC BY 2.0 To our community – for our next commoner letter we are featuring an artist who has really proven that the CC model works for musicians. Jonathan Coulton has made a career out of sharing his music with his fans, not just aurally, but digitally and…

We met wikiHow's challenge in 4 days!


I’m thrilled to announce that we have far exceeded wikiHow’s matching challenge goal of raising $3000 in two weeks. We raised $3000 in 4 days! Thanks to wikiHow for their ongoing support (they’ve been CC supporters for 4 years running) and to our community members for helping us meet wikiHow’s challenge! The campaign will end…

5 New Companies Support CC!


Transparency is of the utmost importance to us here at CC, especially when it comes to who is funding us. People ask me all the time how CC is funded, to which I answer: CC relies entirely on the community in order to stay afloat. The community being the individuals, corporations, foundations, organizations, and institutions…

wikiHow to support the CC fundraising campaign? wikiHow matching challenge!


Following Safe Creative’s lead, wikiHow has decided to help rally the community around supporting Creative Commons by issuing their own giving challenge. For the next two weeks, wikiHow will be matching every donation dollar for dollar, up to $3,000. wikiHow is a collaborative writing project aiming to create the world’s largest, highest quality how-to manual.…

SSRC awards grant for CC license research


We’re thrilled to announce that the Social Science Research Center (SSRC) has awarded CC with a grant for the project Assessing the Commons: Social Metrics for the New Media Landscape. Thanks to the SSRC, George Cheliotis of CC Singapore and the National University of Singapore and CC will be researching the “global patterns of CC…