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Posts by mia

Version 3.0 – Public Discussion Launched


Why version 3.0? As was mentioned a little while ago, we are looking to move ahead with versioning the CC licenses up to version 3.0 to improve the clarity of the terms of the licenses and to address some concerns of one of our first and very prominent license adopters — MIT, with their OpenCourseWare…

Build Your Own Portal


Zimbio is fairly new to the scene — it allows people to build and participate in “public portals” with others who share their interests. A portal can include photographs, links to websites and articles, a group blog, online discussion forum, recommended RSS feeds, and live chat about the subject. While we’ve all learned to love…



Been looking for a good book to read lately? Margot, one of our Summer ’06 interns, has put the finishing touches on a page of the CC wiki devoted to listing the various books that have been published under a Creative Commons license. The page is split into categories. The first, more conventional types of…

New Featured Commoner – MODfilms


We have a new Featured Commoner — an interview with Michela Ledwidge of MODfilms by one of our Summer ’06 interns, Amy Rose. MODfilms produces “remixable” film content and technology aimed at new cinema platforms and is currently working on a film called “Sanctuary,” which will be released to the public under a CC BY-NC-SA…



As we all know, Creative Commons offers free license and tech tools to the creators for them to use to clearly signal to the public that some uses are permitted. But CC is also about more than just the actual licenses and tools — CC and the issues it raises and touches on engenders debate.…