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Posts by mike

Start your own netlabel


The first Black Sweater White Cat of the year is an all-Comfort Stand program — two hours featuring twenty Comfort Stand tracks and an extended interview with Otis Fodder and Mr. Melvis, two of the netlabel’s musician-operators. If you don’t want to hear about how great Creative Commons and the Internet Archive are, or be…

Battelle's #1 2006 prediction


John “Searchblog” Battelle’s #1 prediction for 2006 (emphasis added): 1. Someone, and I do not know who, will make a big pile of Big Media video assets freely available on the web – and not via Google Video. This will be a major studio, or television company, which will realize that once you free content,…

Creative Commons Three Sixy Five


Grant Robinson is doing his part to make the new year uncommonly great. He’s launched CC:365, a project/podcast to highlight a great CC licensed song every single day of the year. Check out Day One. Grant also would up 2005 with episodes of The Revolution (unofficial ccMixter 2005 countdown) and Staccato as a guest DJ.…

50 percent Christmas, 100 percent CC


Uwe Hermann has collected 111 Christmas songs, all CC licensed. If listening to Christmas songs is not your idea of fun (mine neither), it just happens that Uwe Hermann’s Music Podcast is up to 111 songs, all CC licensed, with helpful mini reviews and descriptions by Uwe.

Awesome Flickr/CC tribute


If you’ve spent any time surfing photo collections at Flickr or elsewhere, you’ll certainly appreciate Jonathan Coulton’s music video produced with CC licensed images found on Flickr: I won’t explain too much about it here, except to say that it’s an example of what Creative Commons licensing makes possible. I was able to do this…