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Posts by mike

If only sharing were really simple…


Microsoft CTO Ray Ozzie writes that Microsoft has released another RSS extension specification under CC: One other important point: We’re releasing the SSE specification under a Creative Commons license – Attribution-ShareAlike. I’m very pleased that Microsoft is supporting the Creative Commons approach; you can see more about this at in the licensing section at the…

Music 100 years ago, today


The Cylinder Presservation and Digitization Project has placed online amazing collection of over 5000 recordings from the late 1800s and early 1900s. Unrestored digitizations available as large .wav files are in the public domain, while restored mp3s are licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial, as described in the project’s note on copyright. Browse the collection. Listen to a…

Building Web 2.0


It is my duty as a member of the Xtech 2006 program committee to inform you of the call for participation. The theme of the conference, to be held May 16-19 in Amsterdam, is “Building Web 2.0.” Whatever you think of the Web 2.0 name, it is clear that Creative Commons is highly relevant, as…

Create & remix like a teenager


Many people have written to tell us about the Pew Internet & American Life report on Teen Content Creators and Consumers, which found an astounding 57 percent of online teens in the U.S. create online content and 19 percent are remixers. The report doesn’t mention Creative Commons, though the implications are apparently obvious to our…