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Posts by mike

Time Management for Anyone


Jim Munroe has released a CC-licensed flash movie called Time Management for Anarchists and he wants you to remix it (the .fla source for Flash creators). The movie gives pretty standard “getting things done” advice, as told by famous anarchists “Mike” (Mikhail Bukinin) and “Emma” (Goldman). It could use male and female voices for Mike…

MetaBrainz Launched


After years of toil the free music encyclopedia MusicBrainz is now backed by a nonprofit foundation with a fantastic best-of-the-usual-suspects board. MusicBrainz has taken an innovative approach to open data: core factual information (artist, album, track) is appropriately dedicated to the public domain, while community generated information is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Also check out MetaBrainz’s…

Democratizing Innovation


Eric von Hippel has released a PDF version of his book Democratizing Innovation under a Creative Commons license. Hippel explores the growing importance of innovation by users, and sharing of innovations by users. The book is dedicated to “all who are building the information commons.” Let’s hope that’s you! Via Boing Boing.

Yahoo! Search for Creative Commons


Six months ago we noted that one could use Yahoo! link: searches to find Creative Commons licensed content out of 4.7 million indexed pages that linked to a Creative Commons license at that time. Last month we mentioned that the Yahoo! search index contained over 10 million pages that link to a Creative Commons license.…



Last week on this weblog: USB memory and hardware media player vendors take note — you can ship your device with great music without asking for permission, because permission has already been granted. Today: Magnatune and Hana Micron Launch TunePlug Portable USB Drive With Pre-Loaded MP3 Music From Leading Independent Artists This isn’t exactly a…