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Posts by mike

Drupal handbook going CC


The handbook for Drupal, one of the most popular web content management systems (Spread Firefox is a recent high-profile example) has adopted Creative Commons licensing so as to make clear that Drupal community members can use the documentation in the Drupal handbook in other contexts, such as revising and developing site specific help docs. allow…

Support Creative Commons


Friends of Creative Commons, As 2004 draws to a close, Creative Commons is strong. In the past two years since Creative Commons licenses have been available, we’ve taken our first large first steps with you–building some of the essential tools, adding critical pieces of infrastructure and assembling a vibrant community. In 2004, Glenn, Larry, and…

CC Torrent Hosting


Torrentocracy has announced a free BitTorrent hosting service for Creative Commons licensed content: Prodigem. Download one of the beta torrents currently available. Send an email to Torrentocracy creator Gary Lerhaupt to request an upload account. Update: Download all of the Duke Law School Arts Project Moving Image Contest finalists via one torrent at prodigem.

Copyright and attribution


Crooked Timber has a post today on copyright and attribution that cites Creative Commons: In short, the informal economy of academic attribution is much more like the kind of alternative economy that, say, Creative Commons is trying to create than it is like the copyright industry. Academics are usually happy when others rip, remix or…