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Posts by mike

Each of us in our humble way…


Ambient sound artist Gurdonark writes beautifully at the (unofficial) ccMixterblog on Virtuosos, Rock Stars and Remix Culture: We all tend to make remixes more than we tend to discuss high-flown concepts–but my simple premise is that we should never forget that we are part of a conversation about permissive licensing and its virtue in advancing…

Magnatune does good via the Amarok media player


Last July we mentioned that Magnatune, a record label known for pioneering open business models, had hired a developer to work on Amarok, a free software media player. Today Magnatune founder John Buckman announced $11,570 in sales via Amarok, of which 10% is donated to support Amarok. This number could get much bigger as Amarok…

Wikitravel Press Paris with OpenStreetMaps


There’s a whole lot that’s cool about Wikitravel Press from business, community and licensing angles — follow links from our previous post about it. Their new Paris title adds to the coolness by incorporating maps from OpenStreetMap, also under a CC Attribution-ShareAlike license. Also, this is a good time to mention that anyone thinking of…