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Posts by mike
by mike UncategorizedThe CC-enabled music collaboration space is heating up. The newest contestant is Kompoz, which features a project/workspace metaphor. Compare and contrast with Splicemusic, Jamglue, and ccMixter.
Derivative music, then and now
by mike UncategorizedBlogger Jim Lippard has put together an interesting mini-essay on derivative musical works and copyright spanning copying among classic rock groups in the 1970s, a 1983 science fiction story about perpetual copyright extension, and recent sampling madness. Read it for a reminder of the need for more reasonable copyright (hence CC) or to pick up…
Google Summer of Code 2007!
by mike UncategorizedCreative Commons is again participating in Google’s excellent Summer of Code program as a mentoring organization: students can earn $4500 for working on an open source application for the summer. Check out the CC Summer of Code page for ideas. Student applications are due March 24. Don’t hesitate to drop by #cc on the freenode…
Free Culture Timeline Chalkboard
by mike UncategorizedPhoto by believekevin, CC BY-SA. A query to the cc-community mailing list asking for resources on the history of the copyleft movement led to many good suggestions and turned up the cool chalkboard timeline pictured above. While impressive visually, the chalkboard only covers 1998-2007 and leaves much important stuff out (such as the launch of…
DHTML puzzle license chooser live on labs
by mike UncategorizedThe snappy DHTML puzzle license chooser contributed by Sylvain Zimmer is now live at ccLabs. The previous iteration was implemented in Flash, which Sylvain demonstrated was unecessary. Try it out and please use the feedback form at the bottom of the page. Thank Sylvain by visiting Jamendo, of which he is CTO.