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Posts by neeru

WIRED CD — going forward


Needless to say, the concert last week was unbelievable, especially after two years in the basement of the Stanford Law School (thank you Stanford), trying to convince people that new copyright licenses are the key to the evolution of culture and intellect in the new millennium — often responded to with a deafening silence, and…

Searching for Creative Commons on Yahoo!


In addition to using our new search engine to find great content to build upon and share, you can also do interesting searches using Yahoo!, who currently indexes ~ 4.7 million Creative Commons licensed pages. Yahoo! allows you to constrain searches to pages that link to specific Creative Commons licenses using the “link:URL” function. For…

New Zealand's Digital Strategy


The New Zealand Ministry of Economic Development recently released a draft of its Digital Strategy, and makes a mention of Creative Commons in reference to builing an online repository of published works.