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Four Million CC-Licensed Videos Uploaded to YouTube

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Creative Commons just reached an exciting milestone. As of this week, there are four million Creative Commons–licensed videos on YouTube. That’s over forty years’ worth of footage to remix and reuse, all licensed under CC BY, the most permissive CC license. One thing that makes this mass of CC-licensed content really exciting is that all…

CC News: YouTube Launches Creative Commons Support

About CC post

Stay up to date with CC news by subscribing to our weblog and following us on Twitter. What better gift for your dad on Father's Day but a remix of his favorite videos? YouTube launches support for CC BY and a CC library featuring 10,000 videos You heard the great news last week—YouTube added the…

YouTube’s Glenn Otis Brown Returns to Creative Commons as Board Member

About CC post

San Francisco, CA, USA – July 24, 2009 Creative Commons, a global nonprofit focused on the growth and preservation of openly shareable and reusable culture, science, and education, officially announced today that Glenn Otis Brown has rejoined the organization as a member of its board of directors. Brown was CC’s executive director from 2002-2005 and…

YouTube Tests Download and Creative Commons License Options

Open Culture post

YouTube just made an incredibly exciting announcement: it’s testing an option that gives video owners the ability to allow downloads and share their work under Creative Commons licenses. The test is being launched with a handful of partners, including Stanford, Duke, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UCTV. We are always looking for ways to make it…

Muted on YouTube? Think CC!

Open Culture post

As you might have heard by now, YouTube has begun to mute videos containing ‘unauthorized’ music or audio. What does ‘unauthorized’ mean? We’ll leave that for the lawyers to decide, but it probably has something to do with negotiating permissions for the right to use music in advance from rights holders. Instead of dealing with…

An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube

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Michael Wesch, creator of the strikingly insightful videos “A Vision of Students Today” and “The Machine is Us/ing Us”, gave a presentation at the Library of Congress back in May on the anthropology of YouTube. The presentation was the third in a series called “Digital Natives,” natives being basically my and probably your generation if…

CC Licensed Film is 5th Most Viewed Video on YouTube

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Lo que tú Quieras Oír, the phenomenal Spanish short film we talked about earlier here, has recentlly broken into the “All Time Most Viewed” list on YouTube with upwards of 38,000,000 views! Lo que tú Quieras Oír is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA license. Some major kudos are in order for the everyone involved in…

CC Licensed Film Achieves Massive Popularity on YouTube

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The Spanish short film, Lo que tú Quieras Oír–released under a CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license–has achieved a huge amount of popularity on YouTube, totaling close to 10,000,000 views! While the film itself is quite brilliant, the CC license enables its viewers to not only freely distribute the film, but also remix it as long as they…