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CC Salons: Denver/Boulder and Starting Your Own


We recently caught wind of some inspiring news – unbeknown to us, a very active CC Salon has been happening in the Boulder/Denver CO area through Slice of Lime, a design and development firm. They are on their 8th installment, an impressive feat we haven’t even matched ourselves in certain locations. If you live in the area, be sure to check them out next month on 11/19 for discussions of CC over “beer, chips, and cupcakes.”

It seems a good time then to feature our recently revamped Salon wiki page. Borrowing heavily from our good friends at dorkbot, we are hoping to make the process for starting CC Salons in your area (if one doesn’t already exist) simple and straight forward. Simiarly, we hope that we can explain realistically what making a successful Salon entails.

More than anything, a successful Salon boils down to the interests of your specific geographical community – each city and area has its own identity and it is important to approach the Salon format from that perspective. What issues are important to you and the people in your area, and how does CC relate?The Salons are meant to address the belief that, while CC exists primarily as a digital tool, it is nothing without the actual people who use it.

The Salons are a great way to meet people who are using CC and open tools, and remains one of our best methods to help people understand exactly what CC does and how they can use it in their own lives. Check out Salon page for details on cities that have featured Salons, both currently and in the past – we currently curate Salons in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York City but there are a slew of other cities that have shown active interest in the past.

Posted 31 October 2008
