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CC is Awesome!

cc-is-awesome‘Awesome’ by Sam Howzit, CC BY 2.0 on Flickr

One of the greatest strengths of the Creative Commons organization is the dedicated volunteers worldwide who help build openly licensed projects and educate the public about CC in their local communities and internationally.

A few months ago, we provided mini grants to these communities through The Awesome Fund. A dedicated team of organizers evaluated all proposals and selected 19 awesome projects (out of 34 applications) that will take place in the second half of 2016.

That’s Awesome! What can I expect?

These grants fund projects that align with CC program areas like creative communities, policy, and business. They include a wide variety of activities across the CC spectrum including performance, free culture, translation, and copyright reform.

We are pleased to announce that the following projects have been granted financial support through the Awesome Fund:

CC Argentina, CC Chile Expanding the database of authors and works in the public domain in Uruguay, Argentina and Chile
CC South Africa iZulu Translation Celebration
CC Netherlands Creative Commons Netherlands/Kennisland co-organises a meetup of likeminded organisation to discuss standardising fingerprinting to create a marketplace of open fingerprinting technologies and hashes. 
CC Poland CC Certificate for GLAM kickstart
CC Portugal A CC-licensed performance about the complexity of copyright, exposing how ridiculous it sometimes becomes, together with a repository of CC-licensed dramatic works.
CC Ethiopia Project Luwi aims to create a community with the culture that utilizes and shares open content, through a series of workshops and events.
CC Uruguay Semana de la Música Libre
CC UK, CC Ireland Providing information to startups on how to use CC in their businesses
CC Romania Remixing together CC-licenced privacy awareness videos in multiple languages.
CC Poland, CC Netherlands Organising a copyright reform advocacy workshop through the School of Rock(ing) Copyright concept in Portugal during the CC Europe meeting.
CC Columbia, CC Chili, CC Uruguay, CC El Salvador Creación de un podcast, integrado por cartas en formato sonoro, que conectan a una audiencia global con diversos capítulos Creative Commons de Latinoamérica y colectivos de la región que trabajan en líneas de la cultura libre.
CC Belarus, CC Ukraine International meeting for sharing experiences and creating a series of “how to” guidelines in Belarusian and Ukrainian languages.on integrating CC licenses in institutional workflows (e.g. GLAMs, NGOs) and on how to use CC licenses targeting creative communities and content creators.
CC Mongolia Introduction of CC licenses to promote national culture and language in Buryat Republic of Russia
CC Nigeria Taking Creative Commons to policy makers in Nigeria
MENA Workshop for Arab creators on how to use Open data and CC content to curate content
CC TZ Opening regional offices in CC TZ
CC Portugal Farmlabs is a CC-licensed online repository about Open Agriculture Practices through hardware and software.
CC Togo, CC Benin Promote Creative commons in West African French Countries (Togo, Benin)
CC Korea Fundraising event to recruit new donors for 11th anniversary of Creative Commons Korea

Many of the projects focus on the collaborative nature of CC networks, with affiliates teaming up to create shared resources across their regions. For an overview of all these awesome projects, check this wiki page. We will be posting blog posts, photos, and celebrations of all this work in the upcoming weeks.

Missed out on this round? No worries! We’ll have another call for proposals in September.

You can also follow #ccisawesome on Twitter and Facebook for updates on these projects and more.

Posted 21 July 2016