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Annual Reports

We are pleased to present Creative Commons’ 2024 Annual Report.

In 2024, we expanded our Open Infrastructure Circle, resourcing our CC license and training work. We advocated for open licensing in the Culture, Science, and Education sectors and consulted with key stakeholders around a possible intervention in service of public interest Artificial Intelligence.

We also continued to connect virtually and in person with the CC global community via training, education, and events. We are thrilled to report that, as of this year, we have 1,890 graduates across 68 countries of our CC Certificate

Finally, in October, the Board approved a new 2025-2028 Strategy. This was preceded by a ten month collaborative process that engaged staff, key stakeholders, and the CC global community.

We invite you to learn more about CC’s work in 2024, and extend a huge thank you to the 20 foundations and companies, and 850 individual donors that helped make this all possible.  

What lies ahead in 2025? Find out here.

Past Creative Commons Annual Reports