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Guest Post: Boundless Invites You to Write the Future of Education

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The following is a guest post by Ariel Diaz, Founder and CEO of Boundless, a platform for the creation of open textbooks that are community-built and CC BY-SA-licensed. Boundless / CC BY-SA By empowering a dedicated community of contributors in open resources, Creative Commons has given education a strong foundation for creating and sharing content.…

Creative Commons policies grow in New Zealand schools

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Bethlehem College Preso / Locus Research / CC BY-SA Last month, I had the honour of providing a keynote address and two workshops at a teacher conference at Northcote College1, on the North Shore of Auckland, New Zealand. Like many schools, Northcote is in the process of developing an overarching digital citizenship policy for staff,…

ccMixter launches crowdfunding campaign

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If you’ve been making or enjoying music under Creative Commons licenses for very long, there’s no doubt you’re already familiar with ccMixter, a community that’s been leading the way in CC music for ten years. What makes ccMixter really special is how enthusiastic its users are about borrowing and building off of each other’s tracks.…

Vaya Con Datos

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What were five hundred folks from 30 countries doing in 40+ different sessions running concurrently in three rooms of two gorgeous buildings in Ciudad de México? They were showing, sharing and learning from the best of each other’s work utilizing open data, pushing governments to adopt open policies, and hacking for social, environmental and humanitarian…

Creative Commons goes (even more) virtual

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I’m writing to announce that Creative Commons is closing its office in Mountain View, CA. For most people reading this, the news will hardly come as a surprise. We’ve always been a virtual organization. Although we have a group of staff in the Bay Area, we have full-time staff in six US States and two…

CC Colombia and School of Open celebrate the Web We Want

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It’s time to celebrate the Web We Want / CC Colombia / CC BY-SA This Friday, School of Open and Creative Commons affiliates in Colombia are throwing a celebration of the Web We Want that will highlight open licensing, copyright reform, and free culture. The event takes place as part of the Creative Commons Film…

School of Open Africa launch event in Kenya tomorrow!

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Following on the heels of School of Open Africa launch events in Tanzania and Nigeria last weekend, School of Open Kenya is hosting its own tomorrow to kick off training for four high schools in Nairobi. (SOO logo here. Earth icon licensed CC BY by Erin Standley from the Noun Project.) Called Popjam, this SOO…

Why are we prosecuting students for sharing knowledge?

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In July the Electronic Frontier Foundation wrote about the predicament that Colombian student Diego Gomez found himself in after he shared a research article online. Gomez is a graduate student in conservation and wildlife management at a small university. He has generally poor access to many of the resources and databases that would help him…

Daily awesome from the internet: CC presents the Thing of the Day

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When you go searching for Creative Commons–licensed content, you never know what you’ll find. Sometimes you’ll find the exact photo or piece of sound you were looking for, and sometimes you’ll find something you never could have imagined. We’ve created a new Tumblr blog to celebrate those unusual, beautiful, and quirky CC finds from around…