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Version 3.0 Launched

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The latest version of the Creative Commons licenses — Version 3.0 — are now available. To briefly recap what is different in this version of the licenses: Separating the “generic” from the US license As part of Version 3.0, we have spun off the “generic” license to be the CC US license and created a…


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Doc Searls and others have been writing about Vendor Relationship Management — infrastructure facilitating relationships where the customer is the vendor’s equal, contra Customer Relationship Management. Searls’ most recent essay on VRM, Building an Relationship Economy, says that Creative Commons licenses have a role to play: Let’s ignore the record companies for a minute. Instead,…

ccHost 4.0 RC

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Are you thinking about hosting a web site dedicated to the CC remix culture? How about in the next few day? The official Release Candidate for the award winning ccHost 4.0 is now available (update: RC period is over, thanks to everybody who participated). The code has been running for a few weeks on ccMixter…

CC Music 2.0 Fueling Web 2.0

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The title of this post is a subheading from a great writeup of ccMixter’s new playlist features at Dave’s Imaginary Sound Space: Make no mistake, ccMixter is the complete package. No other remix site commands the same level of respect amongst musicians, producers and content creators. Read the entire article for a great overview, then…

CC's Looking for a New GC

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I am moving on, so Creative Commons needs a new General Counsel. The description of the job and its requirements is here. If you are experienced in intellectual property law (with a liking for copyright issues) and want to be involved in an organization that will give you unique opportunities and a chance to be…

Britannia Rules/Britianna Sucks — Mix & Mash Your View

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The Creative Commons UK:England & Wales team have launched a film remix contest — “Mix & Mash” — in association with Google UK. The theme is “Britannia Rules, Britannia Sucks.” The competition invites short video submissions mixing and mashing digital content that are less than 3 minutes in length. You can only use content that…

Britannia Rules/Britianna Sucks — Mix & Mash Your View

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The Creative Commons UK:England & Wales team have launched a film remix contest — “Mix & Mash” — in association with Google UK. The theme is “Britannia Rules, Britannia Sucks.” The competition invites short video submissions mixing and mashing digital content that are less than 3 minutes in length. You can only use content that…