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Brazil's ambassador of music

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Today’s San Jose Mercury News has a wonderful article about Brazilian Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil taking time off for a solo tour. As readers of this blog know, Gil has been a tremendous friend of and influence on Creative Commons. The last three paragraphs of the article concern this, ending with this quote: “I…

How Adobe's "Apollo" Team is using CC

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Adobe has recently released a new project called Apollo. According to their announcement Apollo is “the code name for a cross-operating system runtime that allows developers to leverage their existing web development skills (Flash, Flex, HTML, JavaScript, Ajax) to build and deploy rich Internet applications (RISs) to the desktop. To accompany the release Apollo team…

Google Summer of Code 2007!

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Creative Commons is again participating in Google’s excellent Summer of Code program as a mentoring organization: students can earn $4500 for working on an open source application for the summer. Check out the CC Summer of Code page for ideas. Student applications are due March 24. Don’t hesitate to drop by #cc on the freenode…

Congressman Mike Doyle defends mash-ups and mixtapes

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Congressman Mike Doyle gave a great speech about mash-up artist Girl Talk and mixtape king DJ Drama as part of last week’s Future of Radio congressional hearing. The 463 has the transcript and some teriffic analysis; SplashCast has the must-see video. “I hope that everyone involved will take a step back and ask themselves if…

One Big Thank You

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To all the people that came out to the GOOD – CC party this past Monday – THANK YOU! The party was amazing. Truly. And rumor has it that it was also phenomenally successful in terms of dollars raised for CC. I will let you know what kind of numbers we’re talking about as soon…

Free collaborative fiction = Ficlets!

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Ficlets is a neat new site from AOL for collaborative fiction writing: Write 1024 characters or less. Others can write a sequel or prequel to your ficlet. Everything is licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike. I’m particularly excited to see this because something like it has been in the back of my head (and doubtless millions of…

Gilberto Gil at SXSW and in the New York Times

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Today’s New York Times features an excellent story on musician and Brazil’s Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil titled Gilberto Gil Hears the Future, Some Rights Reserved, featuring quotes from Lawrence Lessig: “Look at remixing on music sites, which has become a core of creativity on the Internet and produced a huge archive of legally usable…

Ground Report Empowers Citizen Journalism with CC Attribution License

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Ground Report is a new citizen journalism site that “Empowers Global Users to Self-Publish, Rate Content and Earn Money.” In a move that helps insure user generated content can flourish on the web, they bolster their reputation and community participation by licensing all user-generated content under a CC Attribution license. I’ve been working with them…

Metaweb's Freebase using CC Attribution 3.0 License

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If you didn’t read your morning New York Times and see a tall fellow wearing a CC logo shirt, check out this article about Danny Hillis and Robert Cook’s new venture, Metaweb’s Freebase project, which is using the newly released CC Attribution (BY) 3.0 license across-the-board (data and User Generated Content). It is great to…

Science Commons News: An Open Data project from Google?

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From the Science Commons blog: In a recent BBC article, Google’s Chris DiBona talked about a new program under development to help ameliorate some of the transfer problems in moving enormous data sets – up to 120,000 gigabytes worth. The project has not been released to the public, but would involve taking massive data sets,…