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cc365 adopts a cat

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After a brief hiatus cc365 returns with help from Black Sweater, White Cat collaborators Biotic and Subsystem7. Grant Robertson is also inviting anyone to join (cc365’s host): I invite anyone who loves to register for an account, and post whatever you like, whenever you like as long as it relates to the progressive…

MTV EVP on CC and Jamendo

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Jamendo CEO Laurent Kratz writes in about Under the Radar (see our previous post): The conference went well, the most impressive part was the closing session. This closing session was an interview of Denmark West, Executive Vice President of MTV in charge of strategy, by a reporter of CNET. And guess what? When the interviewer…

Jamendo storms Amsterdam and San Francisco

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This week CC music company Jamendo is presenting at a raft of conferences. CTO Sylvain Zimmer is in Amsterdam presenting at “Holland Open Conference” and the “Digital Pioneers Academy.” His slides make interesting reading if you’re interested in CC music and related business models. CEO Laurent Kratz and CFO Pierre Gérard are in the San…

Reminder: CC Salon tonight in SF!

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CC Salon is happening tonight in San Francisco. Join us from 6-9pm at Shine (1337 Mission Street between 9th and 10th Streets). Tonight’s speakers are: Rick Prelinger (Prelinger Archives) Victor Stone (ccMixter) Marisa Olson ( Amit Asaravala ( And catch a live CC music mix set by Quarterbar. Read more details about this this event…


About CC post

San Francisco, USA, Berlin, GERMANY – June 12, 2006 Creative Commons, a nonprofit organization that provides flexible copyright licenses for authors and artists, unveiled a localized version of its innovative licensing system in Denmark on Saturday. Creative Commons copyright licenses are available free of charge from the group’s website.The licenses allow authors and artists to…

Danes Get Serious About CC-Free Beer

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You might already be familiar with Free Beer – the beer recipe that was first released to the public by Copenhagen-based artist collective Superflex and students at the Copenhagen IT University under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. Our Summer ’05 interns Fred & Dana certainly were and cooked up their own V2.01 (sans the Guaraná)…

Beijing Salon Details

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I am speaking at the Creative Commons Salon in Beijing on Sunday, June 11 about CC Salons and Community Building with examples from my primary Open Source projects Inkscape and Open Clip Art Library. Here are the details from CC Mainland China lead, Chunyan Wang: People from the National Library of China,,,,…

Warsaw Salon

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Add Warsaw to salons in Beijing and San Francisco and other events next week: Creative Commons Poland is proud to invite everyone to the first meeting of the Polish CC Salon in Warsaw. The meeting, titled “Godzilla or Gone With the Wind? Internet and Cinema” will focus on issues of open culture in relation to…

Beijing, San Francisco, Second Life … to Rio

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The first CC Salon Beijing is June 11. Jon Phillips will be there. June 13 in San Francisco I’m following up on my recent presentation at Netsquared with a brief talk at Net Tuesday, details at meetup or upcoming. June 14 you already know about the super-exciting CC Salon San Francisco. June 15 we have…

Feed licensing

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John Panzer of AOL has been writing about feed licensing. His recommendation: So, here’s my new summary, which is shorter but more complicated: Support and promote feed standards for embedded licenses. Allow fair use for unlicensed feed content. You’ll need to consult your legal department on what fair use is in each case, and figure…