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License adoption estimates

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It’s been awhile since the last time we posted estimates of the number of web pages under a Creative Commons license or a breakdown of how those licenses are distributed. The last aggregate estimate (45 million) was posted to our support the commons page in December, which has since changed (thanks yet again for your…

Summer of Code and Commons

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Creative Commons is participating in Google’s 2006 Summer of Code as a mentoring organization. If you’re a student please read the Summer of Code Student FAQ, check out CC’s Tech Challenges and start thinking about your application. Student proposals will be accepted May 1 through May 8. We’ll have a page dedicated to SoC 2006…

Futures of Music

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Wednesday night’s CC Salon San Francisco concerned the future of music. James Polanco spoke about Fake Science’s CC licensed podcasts and emphasized that Fake Science is not a record label, but a digital distributor with a far lower cost structure — and lower costs for both artists and patrons. Fake Science has a great slogan:…

Wealth of Networks

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Yochai Benkler has published his new book, The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 license. A brief excerpt (page 482): [W]e are seeing an ever-more self-conscious adoption of commons-based practices as a modality of infor- mation production and exchange. Free software, Creative Commons, the Public…

ccPublisher 2 beta reviewed

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NewsForge has reviewed ccPublisher 2 beta 1 (beta 2 is now available): Beta 1 offers a sparse, straightforward interface. Follow a few prompts to select applicable files for upload, enter metadata for the Internet Archive listings, and select a CC license and the files’ formats. The program uploads all the information to the Internet Archive,…

MusicIP and MusicBrainz track CC

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Audio fingerprinting (and more) company MusicIP has added the ability to attach a Creative Commons license to audio tracks registered via their ListenerLink service (press release; PDF). Community music metadatabase MusicBrainz is working with MusicIP’s fingerprinting technology and has also added the ability to track CC licenses, see details on the MusicBrainz blog. This will…

Crammed Discs Remix Contest at ccMixter!

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We’re pleased to announce a new Creative Commons remix contest in conjunction with Crammed Discs over at our community remix site, ccMixter. Crammed artists Cibelle, DJ Dolores, and Apollo Nove — some of Brazil’s most innovative contemporary musicians — are offering new sounds online under a Creative Commons BY-NC license, so people throughout the world…

Netsquared interview

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Marshall Kirkpatrick interviewed me at SXSW and used the interview as the basis for a nice article about Creative Commons at Netsquared.

Submit your short DIY video to the MAKE: Movies film festival

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MAKE (which is, incidentally, one of the coolest magazines around) is hosting the MAKE: Movies film festival as part of the Maker Faire, taking place on April 22 and 23 at the San Mateo Fairgrounds. You’ve got a few more days (until Wednesday, April 12) to submit your CC-licensed project demo videos, DIY tech documentaries,…