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Carolina Botero


Carolina Botero is the CEO of the Colombian civil society digital rights organization Karisma Foundation. She is a researcher, lawyer, lecturer, writer and consultant on topics related to law and technology. Carolina works in the defence of human rights in technology environments, following debates on freedom of expression, privacy, access to knowledge and culture, social innovation and ICT…

Camille Françoise


During her studies in museology and digital technologies for cultural institutions, Camille Françoise developed an interest in crowdsourcing projects and open authority issues around knowledge in heritage institutions. As a result, she co-coordinated several editions of co-creative and open community events in the museum field in France. Simultaneously, she has gathered several professional experiences in…

Cable Green


Dr. Cable Green is the Director of Open Knowledge at Creative Commons. He works with open education, science and research communities to leverage open licensing, content, practices and policies to expand equitable access and contributions to open knowledge. Cable’s work is focused on identifying complex problems (e.g., UN SDGs) where open knowledge is a critical…

Brigitte Vézina

Brigitte Vézina Brigitte Vézina (Photo by Victoria Heath, CC BY)

Brigitte is passionate about all things spanning culture, arts, handicraft, traditions, fashion and, of course, copyright law and policy.  She gets a kick out of tackling the fuzzy legal and policy issues that stand in the way of access, use, re-use and remix of culture, information and knowledge. Before joining CC, she worked for a decade as…

Bilal Randeree


Bilal Randeree is a digital media practitioner, investor and strategist. He currently serves as the Director for Africa/MENA at the Media Development Investment Fund, a mission-driven investment fund providing debt and equity financing to independent news and information companies. MDIF operates in countries across Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America where a free and…

Ben Adida


Ben Adida is the Executive Director of VotingWorks. His passion is using technology to empower individuals. Ben has extensive experience in voting systems, identity & payments, health IT, security & privacy, and Web architecture. He has developed free software for more than 20 years and Web software for more than 25 years. Previously, Ben was VP…

Alek Tarkowski


Alek Tarkowski is the Strategy Director of Open Future Foundation, a European think tank for the open movement. He is a sociologist, activist and strategist. Since 2004 he has been active, in Poland and globally, in organizations and social movements building an open internet. His focus has been on copyright, commons-based approaches to resource management…

Anna Tumadóttir

CC staff photos are licensed under CC BY 4.0. Gratitude to Sara Jordan Photography.

Anna joined CC in 2019 as Director of Product. She was promoted to COO in 2021 and was appointed CEO in 2024. Before joining CC, Anna spent a decade building out all aspects of the operations of three distributed performance marketing start-ups. She is constantly considering opportunities for expansion and improvement in the environment around…

Andrew Richard Malcolm


Andrew has completed communications work for businesses, non-profits, and for six years he coordinated communications, events and alumni activities for the University of Toronto’s Department of Geography and Planning. Previous to this position he was a freelance writer and photographer, publishing works in print and online publications about palaeontology, silviculture, urban development in small cities,…

Alison Pearce

Alison Pearce Alison Pearce (Photo by Victoria Heath, CC BY)

As the Community Engagement Manager, Alison is passionate about creating the spaces for CC’s community members to come meet, explore, and do important work together. In her time at Creative Commons, Alison spent 4 years running CC’s flagship event, the Global Summit, as well as other internal and external events. Before joining CC, Alison worked…