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Greg Palast's Armed Madhouse Remix Contest

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Since last month, bestselling author Greg Palast has been offering tracks from his recent audio book Armed Madhouse online under a Creative Commons BY-NC license, so that musicians and producers can use them in remixes. If you’re into sampling and mash-ups, download the audio, create a remix, and send your finished mp3 to before…

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum's “The Concert”

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Visit the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum‘s website to download “The Concert,” a new classical music podcast offered under the Creative Commons Music Sharing license. The podcast features unreleased live performances by master musicians and talented young artists recorded from the museum’s Sunday Concert Series. “The Concert” includes music by Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, and Chopin for…

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum's “The Concert”

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Visit the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum‘s website to download “The Concert,” a new classical music podcast offered under the Creative Commons Music Sharing license. The podcast features unreleased live performances by master musicians and talented young artists recorded from the museum’s Sunday Concert Series. “The Concert” includes music by Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, and Chopin for…

Lonely mixter girl

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The lonelygirl15 videos have been featuring music from ccMixter. Grant Robertson sorts it out: Ever wondered where to find all that great music used in the Lonelygirl 15 videos? Having spent months looking for songs featured in TV commercials, I totally feel your pain. (Metric’s beautiful “Grow up and Blow Away”, which was featured for…

dive into mixtape

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Mark Pilgrim: Freely licensed Creative Commons music that I liked enough to put on a mix tape. With attitude! Thanks Mark! That’s what I’m talking about.

Creative Commons Sponsored Software ccHost Releases Version 3.0

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San Francisco, USA – September 8, 2006 Creative Commons, a nonprofit organization that provides flexible copyright licenses for authors and artists along with the Creative Commons Developer Community released the ccHost 3.0 today. ccHost is an Open Source web-based media sharing software. This major feature release comes on the heals of winning the Linux Journal…

Pachelbel's Commons

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An NYT story on classical and rock guitar players posting versions of 17th century chamber piece Pachelbel’s Canon to YouTube demonstrates the value of public domain materials and web-based collaboration: This process of influence, imitation and inspiration may bedevil the those who despair at the future of copyright but is heartening to connoisseurs of classical…