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Posts by francesca
CC Business Mixer: Calling for Creative Commons Entrepreneurs
by francesca UncategorizedCreative Commons and CC board member John Buckman will be hosting a CC Business Mixer on Thursday, Jan. 18th from 6pm-8pm at the Creative Commons offices in San Francisco. If you have an idea for a Creative Commons related business, this is your chance to present your idea to other like minded entrepreneurs and network…
CC Mixter on Japanese Blog TV
by francesca UncategorizedOur board member Joi Ito passed along this Blog TV spot. Technorati Japan’s Blog TV features CC Mixter on a special portion of this show called Challenge CGCM. Also, check out the woman to the right of the cowboy hat; she prominently displays a CC sticker on her laptop.
Mediashift and Flickr
by francesca UncategorizedMark Glaser of the PBS site Media Shift wrote a great article about the use and adoption of CC licenses with in the Flickr community. Glaser used a CC licensed Flickr photo by photographer Kris Krug for a blog post that he was writing about Mark Cuban. Krug gave Glasner a ‘virtual high-five’ for doing…
GOOD Magazine Comes to NYC
by francesca UncategorizedNYC CC friends: You are invited to a party this Thursday, Sept 21 at Emergency Arts in Chelsea, hosted by GOOD Magazine! In June, we blogged about CC’s participation in the Choose GOOD Campaign, in which you can subscribe to a year of the magazine for $20 and choose a partnering non-profit organization that you…
Cool CC Flickr find-Dendrology Beauty
by francesca UncategorizedHere is a cool Flickr find. Jordyn Meredith , an art student in Baltimore, has licensed her digital dendrology collection under a CC Attribution, Share-Alike license. These are absolutely gorgeous digital microscope shots of tree cross-sections. My favorite is Lilac Chastetree. From her description: “After identifying the type of tree to which the branch belongs,…