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Jane Park

Jane leads the strategy, design, and implementation of CC’s product vision for CC Search and other products. She has ten years of organizational experience in the design, strategy, and execution of socially innovative programs in education, communications, and global network growth. As a founding volunteer of the Peer 2 Peer University, she has designed and taught a variety of courses and workshops, including Open Creative Nonfiction and Creative Commons for Educators. She has a BA in Philosophy and minor in creative writing from the University of California at Berkeley.

Posts by Jane Park

U.S. Dept of Ed funds Bookshare to make open textbooks accessible


Remember the California Free Digital Textbooks Initiative and how it resulted in 16 open textbooks, 10 of which met 90% of California’s standards? Well, since these textbooks were licensed under one of the Creative Commons licenses that allows derivation (the licenses sans the ND term), they can not only be translated into various languages, but…

CC Learn Advanced Topics

Open Education

Earlier this year, CC Learn launched CC Learn Productions, highlighting reports and three document series: CC Learn Recommendations, CC Learn Explanations, and CC Learn Step by Step Guides. Since April, we have greatly expanded our repertoire to about a dozen documents, touching on basic topics such as Why CC BY? to legally incompatible content in…

WikiEducator, Connexions, and MediaWiki join forces in OER Remix Project


In case you haven’t heard, WikiEducator‘s Wayne Mackintosh announced earlier this week that they were joining forces with Connexions “to provide educators with greater freedom of choice to mix and match the best of two OER worlds, namely “producer-consumer” models with more traditional work flow approaches and commons-based peer production.” WikiEducator and Connexions are two…

Preparing Your Educational Resources for DiscoverEd

Open Education

In July, CC Learn officially launched DiscoverEd, a search prototype that provides scalable search and discovery for educational resources on the web. We blogged about it again during Back to School week, emphasizing the future of search and discovery of educational resources and how we hoped DiscoverEd would catalyze efforts in that direction. Since then,…