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Jane Park

Jane leads the strategy, design, and implementation of CC’s product vision for CC Search and other products. She has ten years of organizational experience in the design, strategy, and execution of socially innovative programs in education, communications, and global network growth. As a founding volunteer of the Peer 2 Peer University, she has designed and taught a variety of courses and workshops, including Open Creative Nonfiction and Creative Commons for Educators. She has a BA in Philosophy and minor in creative writing from the University of California at Berkeley.

Posts by Jane Park

Two MIT OCW Courses Reach Million Visit Milestone


A long-standing provider of open courseware, MITOpenCourseWare reached a million visit milestone yesterday for two of their online courses: 8.01 Physics I: Classical Mechanics and 18.06 Linear Algebra. The courses are two of MIT’s most popular to date, taught by renowned professors Walter Lewin and Gilbert Strang. From MIT’s media coverage on Lewin: “Professor Lewin…

Latam Commons 2008


Santiago, Chile: ccLearn is hosting a three day conference on “open licensing, open technologies, and the future of education in Latin America” from November 19th to the 21st. The conference is split up into three meetings over the three days.  Nov 19 is for Creative Commons International, where CC affiliates will meet to discuss the…

International OER Community Update


The Open Educational Resources (OER) movement is a global movement. Education is an issue that crosses borders and spans continents; open education—the creation and distribution of OER—empowers people in a global dialogue. However, the mere promotion of OER is not sufficient for the success of this international effort, as many issues and barriers to open education…

ccLearn's COSL Open Ed '08 download

Open Education

Although we’ve already had a weekend plus a Monday to digest COSL’s Open Ed ’08, the events from the conference and general good feeling inspired by speakers and individual conversations still drives us forward into the week and the beginning of next month. This year’s conference featured several notable speakers; the keynotes themselves were given…