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Jennie Rose Halperin

Jennie was the Senior Communications Manager at Creative Commons. She makes the CC communications and brand sparkle and works with communities to tell their stories through a variety of media.

Before joining Creative Commons, Jennie worked for Safari Books Online/O’Reilly Media as the Product Engagement Manager where she managed community marketing and test-driven product growth with a mighty team of technologists dedicated to innovation in online learning. She was previously at Mozilla on the Community Building Team and earned her masters degree in Library Science.

Posts by Jennie Rose Halperin

We’re gonna party like it’s 1923

Events, Open Culture

January 14-18, 2019 is #CopyrightWeek, and today’s theme is Public Domain and Creativity, which aims to explore how copyright policy should encourage creativity, not hamper it. Excessive copyright terms inhibit our ability to comment, criticize, and rework our common culture. On January 1, tens of thousands of books, films, visual art, sheet music, plays, and…