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Jennryn Wetzler

Director of Learning and Training

Recognized as a Catalyst in Open Education, Jennryn Wetzler oversees Creative Commons training programs, including the Creative Commons Certificate program, which has served over 65 countries. Jennryn manages CC’s Open Education Platform, a community group of open education advocates around the world. She also manages CC’s Open Journalism efforts, and consulting work. Jennryn enjoys focusing on projects that increase equitable access to information, believing that journalism and education are pillars of any democracy, and essential human rights.

Prior to Creative Commons, Jennryn worked at the U.S. Department of State, engaging in public diplomacy strategy and programming for nearly 300 U.S. Embassies and Consulates. She has a Masters in Ethics, Peace and Global Affairs from American University. Jennryn was a Peace Corps volunteer in Niger, a Boren fellow in Thailand, and a Critical Language Scholar in Egypt. 

She was most influenced by education efforts for homeless children in Thailand, as well as under-resourced farming communities in Niger. Seeing the extreme obstacles learners faced in education impelled Jennryn to work toward opening access to knowledge.  Nowadays, Jennryn enjoys time with her kids and husband, and feeding her more daring friends cooking experiments.

Photo credit: Priscilla C. Scott, CC BY

Posts by Jennryn Wetzler

Congratulations to Our 157 June CC Certificate Graduates!

Open Education

From June—August 2019, Creative Commons hosted eight CC Certificate classes for Academic Librarians and Educators. Participants in the classes studied Creative Commons licenses, copyright, the public domain, and open practices. Certificate students developed open licensing proficiency and deepened their understanding of the broader context for open advocacy. See examples of the assignments participants shared under…

Book Preview: “Creative Commons for Educators and Librarians”

Open Education

Over the last several months, Creative Commons has collaborated with the American Library Association (ALA) on the first-ever print complement to the CC Certificate program—and we are thrilled to announce that the book will be available in November!   The CC Certificate program is Creative Commons’ official training in open licensing. It targets copyright law, CC…

CC Certificate Changes and Improvements for 2019

Open Education

  12/6/18 UPDATE: January 2019 courses have only seven tickets left!  Background: The CC Certificate provides an-in depth study of Creative Commons licenses and open practices, developing participants’ open licensing proficiency and understanding of the broader context for open advocacy. The course content targets copyright law, CC legal tools, values and recommended practices of working…