Posts by matt
500,000 pictures taken between 1880 and 1990 are now in a searchable Dutch National Archive Image Bank. If you speak enough Dutch to navigate the site, there’s quite a lot of history here. It looks like current Dutch copyright laws are similar to the US, lasting until a creator’s death + 70 years, so it’s…
Wired News has a great story about a Seattle film festival that uses public domain clips from the Prelinger Archives. Participants need only have a computer with video editing software and $20 for the entry fee. The entry deadline is June 15th and the festival is August 1st at the Seattle Art Museum.
J.D. Lasica has a new feature in the online magazine Mindjack entitled “The Killing Fields: Copyright Law and its Challengers.” It’s an overview of Jed Horowitz’ struggles with Disney and his film about overreaching copyright, Willful Infringement. An snippet from the article: At various points, the iconoclastic Horowitz appears on camera, appearing dumbfounded at the…
Rick Prelinger, of the Prelinger Archives, got his letter to the editor published in today’s New York Times. In it he points to the positive free distribution aspects of digitizing and sharing his works under the public domain: Our experience may seem counterintuitive, but it has been overwhelmingly positive: the more we give away, the…
Sometimes people ask us why we created the Creative Commons, and we often say that we wanted there to be an easy way for you to share your creations and also to build a large pool of creative work that is easy to redistribute, print, (and if the license allows) collage, remix, or even sell…