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Posts by michelle

Week Left in Pooling Ideas Competition!

Open Culture

There’s about a week left to enter CC Australia’s Pooling Ideas competition before it closes on March 23. They’re giving away cool prizes, including an internship with ABC Radio National to co-produce The Night Air and mountains of CC gear. Contestants are invited to creatively interpret the theme We are what we share, and upload…

Beijing Symposium on Common Use Licensing for Scientific Literature and Data


An international symposium on Common Use Licensing for Scientific Literature and Data will be held on March 25, 2009 in Beijing, China. This one-day symposium, initiated by Creative Commons China Mainland, will review the rationale, practice, and issues associated with the application of Creative Commons/Science Commons “common use” licenses to scientific literature and data in…

CC Salon Berlin and openeverything focus – Feb. 26


Encouraged by the resonance of openeverything camp in December 2008, we’re helping put on a regular series of events about “openness.” This Thursday, Feb. 26, kicks off the first openeverything focus, in tandem with the CC Salon in Berlin. This month we’re focusing on Open Knowledge, delving into project like OKFN‘s Open Knowledge Definition and…

Australian public broadcaster releases first material under CC

Open Culture

From CC Australia: A couple of days ago the [Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s] excellent collaborative media site, Pool, posted a recording of genetics professor Steve Jones talking about Darwin’s life and work under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial licence. As far as we’re aware, this is the very first time material from the ABC archives has been…