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Posts by mike



We’ll have a booth at the interactive conference, do two panels (Notes From the Underground: The Rise of Remix Culture and The Semantic Web: Promising Future or Utter Failure), an interview and a party (see below). Also check out Colin Mutchler’s Free Culture Performance. See you in Austin, Texas next week. By the way, we’re…

Real World Creative Commons


London-based music business magazine Five Eight has published an article by Magnatune founder John Buckman titled Using the Creative Commons in the Real World in which Buckman explains how he chose to use a CC license for his record label. Also, Buckman in response to a question on his blog regarding source material: I’m in…

CC search index breakdown


Folks love a license distribution breakdown, so here’s another, this from the current index of 1.2 million pages (larger crawls forthcoming) used by the Creative Commons search engine: Allows commercial use Allows derivative works Allows both Audio 32 78 32 Image 19 48 16 Interactive 31 65 27 Text 28 69 23 Video 13 65…



The developers of the amaroK media player for KDE have used the tracks from the WIRED CD as content for their demo Live CD. Boot the CD in a PC and you can try out armaroK with zero installation. Great idea. USB memory and hardware media player vendors take note — you can ship your…

CC licensed Microsoft site


The Microsoft-hosted PatternShare community brings together information on software patterns organized by wiki inventor and now Microsoft employee Ward Cunningham. PatternShare uses the liberal Creative Commons Attribution License. Thanks Ward Cunningham and thanks Microsoft! Although it predates the availability of Creative Commons licensing by many years, I would be remiss to not recommend Cunningham’s still…