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Posts by mike

CC on the charts


Ok, #9 on the Toronto Eye’s Anti-Hit List, with very some cool company. It’s a start! Here’s the Eye’s pick on CC Mixter: fake french [le tigre est fatiguĂ©], featuring samples from several WIRED CD tracks. It’s about discovery now.

CC Italy Launch Report


Juan Carlos De Martin writes in with a report on last month’s Creative Commons Italy launch: The Italian CC Licenses were launched in Turin on December 16th, with a conference at the Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli. Over 100 people crowded the attractive conference room of the Fondazione, with several journalists in attendance to cover the event.…

London Commons


Own It is a new service which offers free intellectual property advice for London’s creative people. They’ve published an excellent six page Creative Commons factsheet, which is itself licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license and provides a working demonstration of giving reused work attribution (see footnote, page 2). They’re also offering a free seminar…

Patently Open Science


MIT Technology Review just published an article that nicely ties together three related news items: IBM’s release of 500 patents for use in open source developments, Bill Gates’s “communist” screed, and Science Commons. The article misleads on one point: The Creative Commons licenses allow writers, artists and musicians to put their work into the public…

WordPress CC


Firas has created a Creative Commons plugin for WordPress, perhaps the most popular open source blog software. Now you can add a CC license to your WordPress blog with just a few clicks.