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London Commons


Own It is a new service which offers free intellectual property advice for London’s creative people. They’ve published an excellent six page Creative Commons factsheet, which is itself licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license and provides a working demonstration of giving reused work attribution (see footnote, page 2).

They’re also offering a free seminar for film, video and TV professionals on January 25: Creative Commons, copyright, contracts.. and you!

Hosted by Channel 4’s IDEASFACTORY, this free Own It talk for film, video and TV professionals covers copyright and design law for film, video and TV businesses, including a special overview of the new Creative Commons licences and how they can be applied to the film, TV and new media industry.

As of this writing, 73 of 84 seats are already taken. Better hurry if you’re in London.

Links via Rob Myers, who effuses:

The CC weblog is an amazing
resource. Well worth a place in your RSS

And if you can spare any
money at all, do help support CC. They are doing an excellent job, and their
t-shirts are cool 🙂

Thanks Rob!

Posted 13 January 2005
