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Posts by mike

Wikipedia licensing Q&A posted


Erik Möller of the Wikimedia Foundation announced a questions and answers document concerning the possible licensing update for Wikimedia Foundation projects to CC BY-SA. On “What will happen next?” We will present a proposal for dual-licensing all Wikimedia projects currently using the GFDL, by January 15, 2009. It will be published on the foundation-l mailing…

Sundman returns

Open Culture

John Sundman has published his third gonzo SF novel, The Pains, under a CC BY-NC-ND license. As usual when it comes to CC-licensed SF, Cory Doctorow has more on the story over at Boing Boing. We published an interview with Sundman about his use of CC licenses back in 2006. You can download, buy, or…



Creative Commons is working with Law & Technology Program at the University of Ottawa to create Canada jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Canada List Project Leads:  Marcus Bornfreund, Andy Kaplan-Myrth, and Olivier Charbonneau License draft (PDF). English explanation of substantive legal changes (PDF). Post a message. Subscribe to the discussion. Read the…

Creative Commons and Collective Intelligence / Program for the Future


Monday and Tuesday next week the Program for the Future Conference celebrates the 40th anniversary of Doug Engelbart’s famous Demo, which presaged much of modern computing, in 1968 (related in some ways, see Creative Commons 1967). From the conference website: Engelbart dreamed of technology and tools that increased our Collective Intelligence and a stunning example…

NonCommercial study questionnaire extended to December 14


Creative Commons is conducting a study on the meaning of “NonCommercial” and you can weigh in by answering a detailed questionnaire on the subject. We’ve extended the deadline for participation to December 14 (originally December 7) as we’re still getting healthy response via all those who blogged about the questionnaire this week. Full disclosure: taking…