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Posts by mike

Empowering economics of 'net native' music


Lucas Gonze: Now consider that internet music businesses have to compete for investment capital with internet businesses that don’t pay royalties. Craigslist, Google search, and Twitter do nothing but move bits around! Lastly, returning to the conversation about netlabels the other day, I want to point out that netlabel and other net-native music doesn’t have…

ccMixter to the max Q&A; proposals due July 29


May 29 we announced that we are accepting proposals for a new home for ccMixter, the innovative remix-oriented music community that Creative Commons has run since late 2004. The Request For Proposals was covered many places, including Advertising Age, Boing Boing, and WIRED as well as discussed on the ccMixter forums. Proposals are due July…

BALUG July 15, P2P Media Summit Silicon Valley August 4 and more


Two upcoming speaking engagements that should be fun, at least for me… Next week Bay Area Linux Users Group in San Francisco. This should be fun because I’ve attended a bunch of BALUG meetings, mostly in the last decade, and due to location and great volunteers their speakers are a who’s who of open source,…

iSummit'08 schedule posted


The iSummit, an annual conference that originally grew around Creative Commons, but has grown beyond CC to encompass related movements, has announced its 2008 schedule. As befitting a conference dedicated to global digital culture and hosted by Sapporo, Japan, the schedule is very diverse, including tracks on open education, open business, local/global collaboration, openness in…

Thoughtful notes on "Building an Australasian Commons"


Wikimedia Commons editor and Australian Brianna Laugher wrote up some thoughtful notes on Creative Commons Australia’s recent conference: Nonetheless, what can we learn from how CC conducts itself? I can’t speak for the other jurisdictions, but the Australian one is damn impressive. They do an incredible amount of gently-gently lobbying for the adoption of free…